Lead up: The UVIC Invitational

The 2022 UVIC Invitational is set for March 18-20. There will b a total of 8 teams. UBC is bringing 2 teams. They are fresh off a big win at Regionals, taking victories over both SFU and UVIC. UBC’s men’s teams is impressively deep, with a series of elite players on roster. SFU is also bring 2 teams. They are fresh off a few nail-biting losses to both UBC and UVIC. Finally, our hosts, UVIC is bring two teams, led by Team Captain John Schriemer.

For the first time ever, the UVIC Invitational will feature two local teams, made of of Victoria’s tennis community. This is where TennCom steps in. Beckett and Simon will be playing on the Team LOCAL 1.

Over the next few weeks we will bee actually exercising in preparation.


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