Check out the latest in tennis equipment
My Customized Solinco Whiteout
I’ve been using the Solinco Whiteout 18x20 for about 100 days now. I’ve tried over 10 different string setups and at least 20 different weight configurations, testing all of them in some combination of training sessions, league matches and tournament play.
Solinco Whiteout 18x20 Setup Journal
A journal to tracked Beckett’s string and weight setups for the Solinco Whiteout.
My Racquet Journey Has Ended… For Now
Over the past 5 years, I’ve tried over 100 racquets to try to find the perfect one for my game.
I’m Dumping the Extreme Tour
Its time for me to move one from the Extreme Tour. But to what?
How I Customize My Head Extreme Tour
The love affair I’m having with my Extreme Tour continues. First I’ll go through some trialed specs and explain their failures, before revealing my current playing spec.