Check out the latest in tennis equipment
I’m Dumping the Extreme Tour
Its time for me to move one from the Extreme Tour. But to what?
Extreme Tour vs. Pure Aero VS
These are two of my favourite sticks on the market today… but which is best for you?
The Pure Aero VS
As former long-time user of the 2013 AeroPro Drive, a deep appreciator of the previous Aero VS, a 16x20 stringbed enthusiast and a self-appointed spin-demon, I was beyond thrilled when one finally popped up on the Facebook marketplace.
How Rafa’s Racquet Helps Him Win
Rafael Nadal has always been a hero of mine. Unfortunately, I am not graced with this mental intensity, so I the best I can do to pretend I’m Rafa is put on his shirt and use his racquet.