Check out the latest in tennis equipment
Tour Mako: A New School of Control
The goals for Tour Mako are the same for any string that Grapplesnake produces: make a string that helps tour level players win more matches.
Tru Pro Pure Rush: The BEST Budget Poly
Tru Pro Pure Rush just might be the best budget polyester string on the market.
Grapplesnake Paradox Pro: The Next Generation of Control
When it comes to a string’s chemistry, few brands are more forward thinking than Grapplesnake. Their latest release, Paradox Pro is designed specifically to accel where traditional poly’s have fallen short.
Ranking Every Poly I’ve Every Tried
Find out Beckett’s ranking for over 50 polyester tennis strings.
How to String Your New Racquet
So you’ve just bought a new tennis racquet and you want to know what strings to put in it. For some, this can feel like a high-risk proposition. You’ve just spent 2-300 dollars on a brand new racquet and you don’t want to ruin it with the wrong string setup.
What is the BEST Tennis String?
If you Google, “Best Tennis String,” you’ll likely come across three big names: Solinco Hyper-G, Babolat RPM Blast, Luxilon ALU Power So what exactly separates these strings from the rest?
Simon’s Search for String Sublimity
Using plebian, un-scientific, nearly baseless criteria, Simon begins his search for a new “string of choice.” He’s completely unbiased due to having absolutely zero knowledge of strings.
Odyssey Into Poly-Poly Hybrids
I’m embarking on a crazy journey to see if I can find a golden combination by creating a poly-poly hybrid. Waste of time? Maybe. Fun? Absolutely.
Grapplesnake Tour Sniper Review
Grapplesnake Tour Sniper has been my string of choice for the last 2 years. On the surface, it’s just your basic, run of the mill, off-brand poly. But in the racquet, it’s so much more.